Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2 pillows will never do!

No dressed bed should ever have less than 6 pillows (much to the chagrin of husbands world wide). A bed should beckon to you from accross the room. It should sing lullabies with it's billowing pillows. It should look back at you in the morning and say I will be here for your work weary self tonight... au revoir!
husband: "but WHAT are those little frilly ones and that long tootsie roll for?"
Ok, so I admit, functionality is not always the motivation in design... fashion BEFORE function, remember? Those fun pillows are accesories, would you go out on a hot date without your fabulous tennis bracelet? They may not be convenient or cheap but they are totally necessary to pull together a well designed room. They are the bling, the razzle dazzle, the show stoppers!

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