Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lucite reborn

We're not sure if you've heard, but Lucite is not just for showgirls anymore!

Lucite, defined as a trademark for transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin, has resurfaced on today's design scene as a hot new "retro" material that can be cast in many different forms and styles. While it harkens back to the 1930's Hollywood glamour days of it's invention (by DuPont), it was then embroiled in scandal during the promiscuous 80's as cheap heals and trashy bangals. Today, Ginger proclaims the ghostly material is a design jewel that can be fitting for almost all transitional styles and especially fitting for the downtown lofties.

We also want to thank Rita Wilson for demonstrating that Lucite is better left to chairs than shoes disguised as chandeliers...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday mornings...

Monday is research day, the day I hunt for that "just so" piece for a designer or design client that has hit a dead end. Today I'm digging for vanities; functional classic pieces for our friends the Johnson's in their new Master sanctuary, as well as an edgy piece for a bid on a condo in the stunning new "W" building down town. We found this silver leafed vanity in Dallas for a design client looking to add a splash of glamour to her home renovation...

Even when Ginger is off floating in her pool (we expect nothing more of her on a Monday) her design mantra guides me through the day...

"You can have everything, just not all in YOUR house"

This is the decree that keeps me from coveting all the wonderful pieces we find for clients, and allows me to adopt them all out to homes where they can sing!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Summer in a glass

Saturdays are all about Sangria this summer at Interior Design Gallery.
Ginger knows her Sangria and so far we've shared delicious traditional red Sangrias with fruited ice moulds but today it's a new recipe with white wine and we declare it's truly "summer in a glass"! I stopped by to grab some vegan cupcakes at Hey Cupcake! so now we are full on celebrating Austin's glorious extended summers...
Come visit and peruse our collections, test some chairs out, talk art, or just bask in the glow of our fabulous gallery showroom with us!