Thursday, September 30, 2010

Facebook, the Final Frontier!

Ok, we've faced the technological demons and won! IDG is now up and tweeting, friends with your face, and bursting onto the i scene. As social as we are, designers and decorators are not know for their technical savvy. We can tell you where that wall needs to go, what color to paint it and which art ultimately adorns it but please don't ask us to measure said wall. Now that we've been introduced to techno chat you won't be able to stop us...

-advice unsolicited

-lifestyle commentary

-gossip on trends

-snapshots of temptations you'll covet

-reporting scrumptious design triumphs

and coming soon...

-on assignment color name validation

PS- We still hate all those unsightly cords required to power these great chit chat devices!

Befriend our face and get 10% off all in store purchases always because it's good to have friends in stylish places:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the POWER of Eiffel Tower

Color is an inexpensive, quick way to update your interiors, everyone knows this...
Most folks get stuck looking at paint swatches and never move forward. Thats what designers are for! Not a day goes by that Ginger does not gush over Eiffel Tower from Pittsburgh paint. The warmth of this rich grey transforms dated colors into a timeless backdrop for grown up living. That accent wall you painted hot pink last year? Time to graduate, in fact accent walls to me are half painted rooms... so slap some French sophistication on those left out white walls too. Surround yourself in cozy decadence, this color is like a hand knit cashmere throw.
So now there is something to be said for grey, which is the new nuetral for those who know.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

You can't throw a lamp in Austin without hitting a musician but that doesn't keep the talent from moving here to jump into the country's hottest music scene. Tucker Jameson & the Hot Mugs (, are no exception and moving means decorating, like it or not. While we don't have bedroom sets in our store we do have access to everything designerly and some big ideas we are always willing to share. We might be refinishing Tucker's bedroom set, maybe not, but regardless we adore meeting Austin's newbies and chit chatting about our fantastic city. We have been known to go on and on about the things we can do for you, we might sit you down and share tempting catalogs, but we will always listen and do back flips trying to satisfy your design needs.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Code of Correspondence

After a long absence of inspiration (ie Ginger was away) we are reminded of the importance of correspondence and keeping in touch. In this day of digital immediacy it's a rare treat to get a hand written note, even holiday cards come with a beep over our emails and Facebook pages. Jackie O, still a staple for style and manners, used to always start her day with morning correspondences, keeping in touch with friends, family, acquaintances and allies...

We just can't imagine her at Starbucks with an iphone tweeting away. Her subtle, classic charm would be far more likely to land on gorgeous paper with lovely embellishments. Our coastal consultant in LA, Chloe LaFond, says "every fabulista needs proper stationary". She adores Miellee Design Studio's glamorous options (see blogs we're following below).

So practice your cursive, buy some stamps, clear off that gorgeous writing desk and get in the habit of keeping in touch with old school style!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

React or Retract?

Apparently I missed the fact that Rita's shoes were in fact glass, not lucite, and Prada of all designers! Such a faux pas could only be attributed to the fact that this is Austin, not LA, and flip flops reign here...
So my apologies for not attributing those chandelier slip ons to Prada, but maybe they'll overlook the slight considering our editorial concerns were validated:

(warning this link is for grown ups with taste)